Idaho Native Plant Society, White Pine Chapter
With members on the Palouse, and in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley and Central Idaho


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Welcome to the INPS White Pine Chapter website. You can find out more about our chapter by reading through these web pages. We welcome your comments. If you would like to know more about the state organization, Idaho Native Plant Society, you can read more on the state website About INPS page.

We excited to welcome Penny Morgan back to our chapter board as president and look forward to an exciting agenda this coming season. Check our calendar of events for a full list of chapter activities. Please read a welcoming message from her. Message from President Penny Morgan.

We will highlight here the primary upcoming event - Our Annual Native Plant Sale.

Our White Pine Chapter Native Plant Sale May 14-17, 2025!!! Our native plant sale is a hybrid sale, with the ONLINE sale May 14-16 (when you order online, we fill orders in the order received; you will be notified when your order is filled, and you can pick it up on either May 16 or 17 at the Depot). Our IN PERSON sale is on Saturday, May 17 at the Depot at the Latah County Fairgrounds, 1021 Harold Ave, Moscow. For the IN PERSON sale, we will offer plants remaining from the online sale as well as new additions only available for purchase IN PERSON.

The preview URL for the sale will be posted starting May 1 on this home page. It is full of information and pictures that will help you choose what to order ONLINE or purchase IN PERSON. With over 4000 plants of more than 100 different native species, you can find the plants you will love to see in your yard each day. Purchase forbs, grasses and shrubs local to this area's prairies, meadows, and forests. Plants come from local nurseries or have been grown by White Pine Chapter members. We use the income from the sale to fund grants, to do conservation projects, and to share knowledge about native plants and ecosystems. We also donate plants to local non-profit organizations for their conservation projects.

An email with ONLINE sale information will be sent to members and those who have expressed an interest before the sale. Look for an email on Wednesday, May 14, that will specify what time the sale will open and the URL for accessing the ONLINE sale. We will email active 2025 members first. Several hours later, we will email the same information to members and non-members, those who purchased from our sale last year and those who have requested to be on the list.

The list of plant species that will be available in our 2025 plant sale list will be posted on the event calendar and on this home page on May 1. This availability will be refreshed every few days so please check back for updates.

You can help the sale be a success:

  • Please consider volunteering to help with our native plant sale. It's a great way to learn; no special experience or knowledge is required.
  • Share this information with a friend. Bring a friend to the in person sale.
  • Please print and post a flyer to help us publicize the sale. You may need to select 'Page fit' at the top if it is too large to print. 2025 Plant Sale Poster

Incorporating native plants into your yard has huge benefits. Native pollinators will find and use them (even a pocket garden of a few plants will help). Native plants add beauty and diversity (thus delighting all our senses). In the Palouse, the once extensive native prairie, pine savanna and intermittent wetlands are now endangered, so increasing native plants and ecosystems is important. Learning about our beautiful native plants by watching them grow in our yards and restoration projects brings us all joy.

You might enjoy this short article on the "Rise of Native Landscaping" from May 2, 2024, Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Rise of Native Landscaping. The plants in the photo are not from this region obviously, but the words have meaning for us.

Penny Morgan, 5/01/2024

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PREF Creek May 0501012: Western white pine at
Priest River Experimental Forest taken by Russell Graham.


Copyright © INPS White Pine Chapter -- Revised: December 6, 2022