Plant Lists, Documents
Site Plant Lists
PDF format documents listed below require Adobe Acrobat Reader 
The following 4 WSU files are archived. They will open in a new window. Each will have additional
descriptive texts and links to
plant lists sorted by Family or by Genus.
Kamiak Butte (WSU)
Moscow Mountain (WSU)
Rose Creek Preserve (WSU)
Smoot Hill (WSU)
Whitman County lists (WNPS)
Palouse Prairie Foundation Species List (PPF)
Camas near Bovill
( 1-page 132KB 8.5x11" PDF) Gerry Queener
Big Creek on St Joe (WP)
( 3-pages 119KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld
Bull Run Creek and RNA (WP)
( 5-pages 203KB 8.5x11" PDF) Bal, Wellner (?) Hays (0695)
Canyon Creek (Lochsa) (WP)
(1-page 53KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brackney, Oct 2010 Field Trip
Conference Plantlist 2005 Lochsa Selway
( 2-page 16KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld 08
Elk Creek Falls Species List (WP)
( 3-pages 102KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld June 08
Grande Ronde Flora 2008 List
( 7-page 158KB 8.5x11" PDF) Henderson 95/Brunsfeld 08
Hager Plant List Tables Species List
( 10-page 492KB 8.5x11" PDF) Antonelli 13
Hager Plant List Tables Rel Freq/Pct Cover
(6-page 363KB 8.5x11" PDF) Antonelli 13
Hog Meadow Creek UI Experimental Forest (WP)
( 4-pages 21KB 8.5x11" PDF) Hays 98
Kamiak Butte
( 4-pages 84KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld 08
Mt Howard Wallowa Mountains (WP)
( 2-pages 67KB 8.5x11" PDF) Unknown
Mud Springs Ridge (WP)
( 4-pages 265KB 8.5x11" PDF) Hays 6/28/14
Pomona Grange
( 3-pages 177KB 8.5x11" PDF) Skinner, Miller 08-10
Smoot Hill Species List (WSU)
Skyline Drive McCrosky
( 4-pages 82KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld 91/Henderson 92 add
Skyline Drive McCrosky
( 2-pages 82KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld 08
Skyline Drive McCrosky 2010
( 4-pages 128KB 8.5x11" PDF) Brunsfeld 10
Virgil Phillips Farm (WP)
( 2-pages 59KB 8.5x11" PDF) Weddell 99
Wellner Cliffs RNA Establishment Record
(plant list starts p 28 8.5x11" PDF) inventory done by WP 7/26-27, 1997
The following two documents are thanks to Larry Lass, Pacific Northwest Ecoresearch, White Pine chapter member
Discover Life Lichens USID (Identification)
Tips to using the Lichens Guide
Guide to Common Plants of Hell's Canyon (58 single pages) R. Bingham
Guide to Common Plants of the Seven Devils Mountains (5 MB 46 dbl pages, PDF) R. Bingham
Vascular Plants of Bonner and Boundary Counties (8.5x11" PDF 66 pages
Native Plants of Northern Idaho
for Landscaping and Restoration (WP)
Orchids of No Idaho and E Washington KEY (3-page 59KB 8.5x11" PDF) (James Riser for WP)
School House Fire update UI/USDA FS researchers (2007)
(172KB 8.5x11" PDF)
Plant Materials Technical Note No. 21 Roses (8.5x11" PDF 23 pages by Pamela Pavek and Dave Skinner). ** New 4/8/14 **
Conifers of Idaho Pamela Brunsfeld for WP program 2/18
Common Plants of the Pacific Northwest Pamela Brunsfeld for WP program 2/18
Skyline Drive Plant List Pamela Brunsfeld for WP program 2/18
Species handouts
Erythronium grandiflorum species sheet (1-page 192KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
Trillium ovatum species sheet (1-page 187KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
Paeonia brownii species species sheet (1-page 211KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
Fritillaria pudica species sheet (1-page 197KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
Calypso bulbosa species sheet (1-page 186KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
Asarum caudatum species sheet (1-page 195KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
Amelanchier alnifolia species sheet (1-page 193KB 8.5x11" PDF) (WP)
various WSU PMC Landscaping with Natives documents (WSU PMC)
PREF Creek May 0501012: Western white pine at Priest River Experimental Forest taken by Russell Graham.