Landscaping with Natives
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There are many documents and websites which deal with Landscaping with Natives.
This site will try to point the reader to those which are appropriate for Northern Idaho
and Eastern Washington. Please check back later for additional information.
Propagation of native plants
Native Plants Journal publishes both a journal
and a propagation protocol database.(suscription)
Native Plants Journal Home some issues are open access.
NRCS Pullman Plant Materials Center publications
includes technical plant guides and propagation protocol articles about
specific native plants.
Landscaping with Native Plants of the Idaho Panhandle
published in 2011 by Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society has valuable information
for North Idaho native plant growers. A list of bookstores which carry the book
can be found on the Kinnikinnick NPS website.
The second edition released in 2012 may be available at Bookpeople in Moscow Idaho.
Palouse Prairie Field Guide
published in 2016 by Thorn Creek Native Seed Farm has valuable information
for Palouse Prairie native plant growers and enthusiasts.
Authors: Dave Skinner, Jacie Jensen, Gerry Queener.
The recent edition is available at Bookpeople in Moscow Idaho and at Spence Hardware.
Other sources can be found online.
A Field Guide to Grasses and Grass-like Plants of Idaho
available in 2019 by authors Justin Trujillo and Eva Strand has valuable information
for native plant growers and enthusiasts.
This new edition is available at UI Extension and possibly other locations. Also at Spence Hardware and Bookpeople.
Native Plant Species for this area
Valuable information is in the following documents
Native Plants of Northern Idaho for Landscaping and Restoration (WP).
and Uses of Native Palouse Forbs in Landscaping (PPF/WSU).
More Palouse Forbs for Landscaping (PPF/WSU).
Creating Native Landscapes in the Northern Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains.
Landscaping with Native Plants of the Intermountain Region (BLM).
The Palouse Prairie - A Treasure upon your Land (multi-agency) 2-page 2.4 MB PDF
What do the Common Birds in our Gardens Eat? 4-page 166 KB PDF
Landscaping with Native Trees for Wildlife 2-page 316 KB PDF
Landscaping with Native Shrubs for Wildlife 1-page 304 KB PDF
Landscaping with Native Perennials for Wildlife 5-page 368 KB PDF
Pollinator Plants White Pine Area Boundaries 4-page PDF ** new 5/2023 **
Pollination, Pollinators and Plants 2-page 91 KB PDF
Some Pollinator/Plant Advice from Pam Brunsfeld ** revised 6/12/24 ** .
Homegrown National Park Presentation, Penny Morgan, Debbie Kadlec. ** new 11/2023 **
Backyard Restoration on the Palouse Palouse Conservation District (Use 'page fit' option at top) ** new 11/2023 **
Xerces Soc Establishing Pollinator Meadows from seed (12-page PDF ** new as of 2/27/2022 **
Sources for native plants
Jacie and Wayne Jensen have sold Thorn Creek Native Seed Farm. Mary and Joe Heim of Rose Creek Seed are carrying on the seed operation (no live plants). Their website is Rose Creek Seed . For information send email Phone 206.390.5059
Near Troy, Pleasant Hill Farm, run by Pat and Doug Mason, grows quality native plants
primarily from seed collected locally. Their address is 1101 Anderson Rd, Troy, ID. Phone 208-877-1434.
In Potlatch and Moscow, Fiddler's Ridge Nursery,
run by Theresa and John Greiner, is selling some native plants. They are a distributor for plants from Plants of the Wild in Tekoa.
Phone 208-875-1003.
Further away but if you are heading north past Athol you might check out their website
Cedar Mountain Perennials .
They are selling some North Idaho natives. Phone 208-683-2387.
Many natives are available either by visiting
Plants of the Wild
in Tekoa Washington or via their online catalog. They will have plants grown from local seed. Phone 509-284-2848
The Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) is the home of the John Crock Learning Nursery. The Nursery has been operating for ten years and is located at 1040 Rodeo Drive in Moscow. It offers a variety of native plants, maintaining about 30 species of native trees and shrubs. The Nursery is open to the public for retail sales during normal business hours. PCEI has served the Palouse region since 1986 connecting people, place and community. For plant availability and other nursery information, please visit PCEI John Crock Nursery .
University of Idaho Franklin H. Pitkin Research Nursery, CNR, 1025 Plant Science Rd, Moscow, ID sells natives. They have an online availability list. Visit them at UI Pitkin Nursery .
A new company to us is Plant Natives Nursery, 18386 Daffodil Lane, Lewiston, Idaho 83501. For information send email.
One we haven't visited for awhile Wildlife Habitat Nursery, 1025 E Hatter Creek Rd, Princeton, ID 83857. Visit their website at Wildlife Habitat Nursery.
A little further away, Buffaloberry Farm in McCall has changed its name. It is now Twin Peaks Nursery, 51 East Lake Fork Road, McCall, ID, US, 83638, Phone / Fax: (208) 634-3062. For information send email.
Sage Notes often has advertisements of nurseries in Idaho. Several in Boise and Twin Falls are excellent but are not listed here. Please see their advertisements.
Please visit the Idaho Native Plant Society website for other landscaping with natives information and for the dates of INPS chapter native plant sales.
In addition, please visit other Native Plant Society websites for landscaping with natives information and for the dates of native plant sales.
Washington Native Plant Society
Oregon Native Plant Society
Montana Native Plant Society
Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society (Sandpoint, Idaho)
PREF Creek May 0501012: Western white pine at Priest River Experimental Forest taken by Russell Graham.