Idaho Native Plant Society, White Pine Chapter
With members on the Palouse, and in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley and Central Idaho

Archived Event Calendar 2014

The following is a list of events sponsored in 2014 by White Pine Chapter or in collaboration with other organizations because our members have an interest.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Palouse Prairie Foundation and White Pine chapter co-sponsored meeting

Presenter: Dr. Linda Hardesty, Associate Professor and Rangeland Extension Specialist, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, CAHNRS, WSU
Topic: Control of Reed Canary Grass
Location: 1912 Center, Great Room, 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

Thursday, January 23, 2014, 7:00 p.m. White Pine Chapter meeting
Presenter: Dr. Andrew Hudak, USFS, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Topic: Ecosystem Services with Backyard Benefits: Avian diversity, forest diversity, and carbon sequestration on Moscow Mountain.
Location: 1912 Center, Great Room, 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

After teaching science in the Peace Corps in Malawi, Andy Hudak completed doctoral work on brush and fire cycles in the South African savannahs. Andy's primary research is Northwest landscape-level forest biomass assessment and carbon sequestration, using field and remote sensing data, and fire ecology. He will discuss this research, including avian diversity, with a focus on Moscow Mountain. He collaborates locally with University of Idaho researchers, and also with western Forest Service Regions to further develop LiDAR, the USFS remote sensing data analysis program. Learn more about USFS remote sensing at

Thursday, February 13, 2014, 7:00 p.m. White Pine Chapter meeting
Presenter: Larry Lass, Research Scientist, Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences/PSES, University of Idaho
Topic: Guide to identifying lichens in Idaho and surrounding areas
Location: 1912 Center, Great Room , 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

For more information see Lichen Field Guide
Tips to using Lichen Field Guide

Tuesday-Thursday, February 26-27, 2014, Rescheduled Rare Plant Conference in Boise Idaho
For more detailed information about the conference, registration and schedule please visit the INPS state website

The Rare Plant Conference, now in its 26th year, is a gathering of professional and lay botanists, native plant devotees, and wildflower enthusiasts from across Idaho and elsewhere. Everyone interested in rare plants is encouraged to attend.

Thursday, March 27, 2014, 7:00 p.m. White Pine Chapter meeting
Presenter: Nancy Miller, White Pine chapter member
Topic: Highlights of Annual Meetings past, especially the 2013 INPS/American Penstemon Society joint meeting
Location: 1912 Center, Fiske Room, 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

Thursday, April 3, 2014, 7:00 p.m., White Pine Chapter meeting

Presenter: Pamela Pavek, Conservation Agronomist for the USDA-NRCS Pullman Plant Materials Center
Topic: Native and Invasive Roses of the Inland Pacific Northwest: Identification, Biology and Control
Location: 1912 Center, Great Room, 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

Invasive rose species are spreading rapidly on range, pasture, prairie, and CRP land in the Inland Pacific Northwest. They are displacing native and other desirable vegetation, reducing landscape diversity and causing a decline in land values. Pamela Pavek, Conservation Agronomist with the NRCS Pullman Plant Materials Center, recently devoted several months to researching and writing about roses of our region. She will present the current taxonomic classification of native and invasive roses, key identification characteristics, and methods for controlling the invasive species.

To read a Plant Materials Technical Note No. 21 written by Pamela Pavek and Dave Skinner see
Technical Note Roses. (23 pages) >br>

Sunday, May 4, 2014. 1:00 pm; U of I Systematic Botany class field trip.
Mary McCroskey State Park (Skyline Drive)
Trip Leader: Pam Brunsfeld, UI Systematic Botany instructor, and retired Manager and Curator UI Stillinger Herbarium.

White Pine members are invited to join the UI Systematic Botany class field trip (no RSVPs are needed). Field trip will be to Skyline Drive - Mary McCroskey State Park.

Meet at 1:00 pm at the Moscow Rosauer's parking lot. We'll carpool north on Hwy 95 to the Mineral Mountain Rest Stop (west side of the highway and a bit south of the park entrance). Participants from west or north of Moscow can meet us at this rest stop at approximately 1:30 pm. Return time to Moscow should be about 5:00 pm.

Our route through the park begins in moist mixed conifer forest and descends into Palouse grasslands. With the onset of warm weather, expect some wonderful flowers in these various habitats, as well as grand views.

Bring your knowledge of native plants and desire to learn more! Also, wear footgear for brief hiking, jacket, hat, water, snacks, sunscreen, guidebooks, camera and binoculars. Insect repellent also as ticks are now emerging in woodland areas.

Saturday, May 17, 2014: White Pine Chapter Field trip to see several native orchid species of Moscow Mountain.
Trip Leader: James Riser, PhD candidate, WSU Botany and Environmental Biology instructor.

Orchids that may be in bloom include Calypso bulbosa, and species of the Corallorhiza, Platanthera, and Neottia (Listera) genera.

Saturday, May 24, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., White Pine Chapter's 3rd Annual Plant Sale
Location: 1912 Center, Arts Room, 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

Setup by Volunteers will be Friday, May 23, 2014 from 3:00 until 7:00 (Optional pizza at conclusion)

The Plant Sale will feature plants from this area along with a few outliers. There will be Palouse Prairie and local woodland natives, with a mix of perennial forbs, grasses, annuals, shrubs and even a few trees. You may find plants for each of the special areas of your landscape: shade, sun, moist, rock garden or xeric conditions. In addition to their inherent beauty, many plants are especially important to wildlife as they provide nectar, pollen, fruit, seed, nesting material, cover and roosting sites.

2014 Availability List .

The following information about a special Palouse Prairie event is from Jen Elliot

Saturday, May 31, 2014. 10 - 12 a.m., Palouse Prairie Farms event, Troy, ID
Native Planting Day - On the Farm
Organizer: Jen Elliot of Palouse Prairie Farms

Learn about native Palouse Prairie plants at the Palouse Prairie Farm - wetland, upland, forbs and timber species. Annually over 3000 native plants are planted in an effort to rehabilitate the land back to its native habitat. This event is appropriate for all ages and there is no cost to attend. You may bring a lunch to enjoy at the farm afterwards. Please register for planning purposes by emailing or call (208) 835 4246.

More information about the farm, this and other events, the products they produce and sell and their commitment to this area visit the farm's website Palouse Prairie Farms

Also of interest to local gardeners
Saturday, May 31, 2014. 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Arboretum Associates Annual Plant Sale
Location: Ice Rink, Latah County Fairgrouds

Traditionally the sale has been held on the first Saturday in June — but, because of the way the calendar falls in 2014, it was decided to move it up to May 31. Plants suitable for this area will be available. The plant list may be viewed at Arboretum Plant Sale List

For more information on the sale and the Arboretum, click on
University of Idaho Arboretum and Botanical Garden

Saturday, June 7, 2014 9:45 a.m., White Pine field trip. Blooming natural meadows of St. Gertrude's Monastery,
Cottonwood, Idaho (near Grangeville).
Leader: Nan Vance, retired USFS Plant Physiologist.

Meet at 9:45 a.m. at the warehouse parking lot at 1638 S. Blaine St (Blaine at Travois Way), Moscow, (This is south of Eastside Marketplace across Hwy 8). In Lewiston we will meet other participants at 10:30 a.m. at the Stinker Station. (Station is on the east frontage road that meets Highway 12 at the bottom of the Lewiston Grade.) St. Gertrude's Monastery is at 465 Keuterville Rd, Cottonwood.

The focus of this field trip will be native plants and their pollinators, and the restoration efforts and forestry practices ongoing at St. Gertrude's Monastery. We may see Cypripedium montanum, mountain ladyslipper orchid in bloom. At noon the monastery will provide a room for us to have tea or coffee and to eat the lunches we bring. Sister Carol Wassmuth will lead the tour, which begins at 1:00 p.m. We are also invited to tour the visitor center and museum. St. Gertrude's Monastery is providing this visit and tours at no cost. For more information see the following websites.

St. Gertrude's Monastery
Historical Museum at St Gertrude Monastery

Weekend, June 20-22, 2014 through Monday, June 23, 2014. Joint INPS/Eriogonum Society Annual Meeting

Location: Based in Twin Falls, Idaho

The INPS Annual Meeting offers the opportunity to explore the botanical and geological wonders of the middle Snake River Plain, including the Gooding City of Rocks, the South Hills (Southern Sawtooth National Forest) and the Craters of the Moon National Monument. Optional Post-meeting tour of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Fish Creek Canyon on Monday June 23. Please note that information and registration forms will be posted on the INPS website and in Sage Notes. INPS website

Saturday, June 28, 2014. 7:00 a.m. White Pine Field Trip
Fescue Grasslands on Mud Springs Ridge, located west of Lucille, between the Salmon and Snake Rivers.

Leader: Mike Hays, USFS Botanist, Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest.
Moscow Meeting Place: NW River Supply warehouse parking lot (Old Tidymans store)

This trip is scheduled to catch many plants in bloom, which should include at least the vegetative stage of Silene spaldingii. It will take about 2.5 hours to get from Moscow to Lucille, Idaho. In order to get there at a reasonable hour we will leave Moscow promptly at 7:00 a.m. Meet at the NW River Supply warehouse parking lot (Old Tidymans store) to arrange carpooling. We will also stop briefly in Lewiston at 7:35 a.m. at the Stinker Station, on the east frontage road along Highway 12 just at the bottom of the Lewiston Grade. (Turn left at the first stoplight to get to the station.) We plan to reach Lucille by 10 a.m. and will meet at the old steakhouse parking lot area just south of the north entrance to town. This pull-off fronts Highway 95.

Camping has not been organized, but if you wish to camp or stay in the vicinity Friday or Saturday night, the following are possibilities:

   Iron Phone Junction about a mile south of Cow Creek Saddle west of Lucille has a few primitive campsites with an outhouse.

   Fish Creek Campground 7 miles from Grangeville in the Nez Perce National Forest

   Hammer Creek Recreation Site near White Bird on the Salmon River

   Pittsburg Landing Campground on the Snake River 19 miles from White Bird.

Saturday, October 25, 2014, 9:00 a.m. White Pine Chapter Field Tour and Potluck
Ghost Plants and Roses Field Tour and Chapter Potluck

White Pine Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society is sponsoring a field tour on Moscow Mountain that will be focused on identification of dormant plants (or “ghost plants”) and roses. Ghost plants are those plants that have dried out but are still standing. They are typically difficult to identify. Rose identification will include tips for learning the difference between our beautiful native rose species and invasive roses, such as sweetbriar and dog rose.

Trish Heekin from the Latah Soil and Water Conservation District and Pamela Pavek from the Natural Resource Conservation Service will be leading this field trip. Helen Stroebel and Marjory Stage will be hosting the tour and potluck at their property on West Twin Road.

Meet to carpool at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 25, at the northeast corner of the Moscow Rosauers parking lot (411 North Main Street). The field portion of the day will begin about 9:30 a.m. and the lunch potluck will begin about 12:30. A short chapter meeting will follow the potluck.

This tour will include information on controlling the invasive sweetbriar rose. The hiking will be easy to moderately difficult. Please contact Helen Stroebel at 208.830.4187, for further information.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7:00 p.m. White Pine Chapter meeting
Presenter: Dr. Steve Love, UI Extension specialist
Topic: Scary Roads and Alpine Dwarves
Location: 1912 Center, Great Room, 412 East Third St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

Dr. Stephen Love is a UI Extension consumer horticulture specialist stationed at the Aberdeen Research and Extension Center. He earned his bachelor’s degree in horticulture at Brigham Young University and his Ph.D. in horticulture and plant physiology at Clemson University. Dr. Love is an avid native plant enthusiast. He conducts native plant domestication research with intent to make these plants available to homeowners for landscape applications. He is currently the vice-president of INPS, serves on the Board of Directors of Eriogonum Society, Editor of the American Penstemon Society Bulletin, and soon to be Editor-in-Chief of the Native Plants Journal. In addition to his native plant interests, Dr. Love delivers homeowner and green industry education on topics related to horticulture and is Webmaster of the Idaho Landscapes and Gardens web site ( ).

Dr. Love will summarize the adventures of a week-long expedition to collect diminutive forms of high-elevation Intermountain native plants destined for horticultural research. The trek agenda included summits of 9 mountain ranges over a period of six days. Destinations included the Lemhi Range, the White Clouds Peaks, the Seven Devils Mountains, and Sheep Rock in Idaho; Wallowa Mountain in Oregon; Ruby Mountains in Nevada; and the Markagunt Pleateau, Henry Mountains, and Abajo Mountains in Utah. The presentation will include photographs of collection sites and descriptions of plants obtained. This collection project was supported through a 2014 INPS ERIG grant.

Steve has spoken to our chapter before and this promises to be a thoroughly enjoyable and educational experience.

White Pine photo by Dr. Wm Hall


Copyright © INPS White Pine Chapter -- Revised: January 2, 2015